The Theory of Causal Fermion Systems
Online Course on Causal Fermion Systems
Online Course on Causal Fermion Systems
This online course is based on the online lecture “An Introduction to Causal Fermion Systems” given at Universität Regensburg in the summer term 2021.
In order to get a first impression of what causal fermion systems are about, it might be a good idea to watch the talks on causal fermion systems given in “Laws of Nature, Discussion series on Quantum Theory and Relativity” in February 2022.
Physical Preliminaries
- Minkowski space: YouTube, PDF, GQE1
- suggested literature:
- W. Rindler, “Introduction to Special Relativity,” Clarendon Press, 1982
- G.N. Naber, “The Geometry of Minkowski Spacetime,” Dover Publications, 1992
- suggested literature:
- The Dirac equation: YouTube, PDF, GQE1
- suggested literature:
- J.D. Bjorken and S.D. Drell, “Relativistic Quantum Mechanics,” McGraw-Hill, 1964
- B. Thaller, “The Dirac Equation,” Springer, 1992
- M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder, “An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory,” Westview Press, 1995
- suggested literature:
- Dirac spinors and wave functions: YouTube, PDF, GQE2
- Dirac’s hole theory and the Dirac sea: YouTube, PDF, GQE2
Mathematical Preliminaries
- Basics on topology: YouTube, PDF, GQE3
- suggested literature:
- H. Schubert, “Topology,” Oldbourne, 1967
- K. Jänich, “Topology,” Springer 1984
- suggested literature:
- Basics on abstract measure theory: YouTube, PDF, GQE3
- suggested literature:
- W. Rudin, “Real and Complex Analysis,” McGraw Hill, 1966
- P.R. Halmos, “Measure Theory,” Springer, 1974
- suggested literature:
- Hilbert spaces and linear operators: YouTube, PDF, GQE4
- suggested literature:
- W. Rudin, “Real and Complex Analysis,” McGraw Hill, third ed. 1987
- M. Reed and B. Simon, “Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. I, Functional analysis,” Academic Press, 1980
- P. Lax, “Functional Analysis,” Wiley-Interscience, 2002
- suggested literature:
- Distributions and Fourier transform: YouTube, PDF, GQE4
- suggested literature:
- J. Rauch, Sections 2.1, 2.2 and Appendix A in “Partial Differential Equations,” 2nd edition, Springer, 1997
- F.G. Friedlander and M. Joshi, “Introduction to the Theory of Distributions,” Cambridge University Press, 1998
- suggested literature:
- Manifolds and vector bundles: YouTube, PDF, GQE5
- suggested literature:
- S. Lang, “Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds,” 2nd edition, Springer, 2002
J.W. Milnor and J.D. Stasheff, “Characteristic classes,” §1 and §2, Princeton University Press, 1974
- suggested literature:
Basic Structures
- Basic definitions: YouTube, website, GQE6 (introductory video)
- Getting familiar with the basic definitions:
- Simple examples: [cfs16, Exercises 1.1 and 1.6]
- Why this form of the causal action? YouTube, PDF, GQE6
- Necessity of the constraints: YouTube, PDF, GQE6
- see also [cfs16, Exercises 1.2 and 1.4] or [intro, Section 12.4.]
- For other lower bounds of the causal Lagrangian involving the local trace: see [discrete05, Proposition 4.3]
- For local Hölder continuity of the causal Lagrangian: see [FL21, Section 5.1]
- Spin spaces and physical wave functions: YouTube, website, GQE7 (introductory video)
- Continuity of wave functions: YouTube, PDF, GQE7
- see also [cfs16, Section 1.1.4]
- For the connection to topological vector bundles see [topology14, Section 3.2].
- Continuity of wave functions: YouTube, PDF, GQE7
- The fermionic projector: YouTube, website, GQE7 (introductory video)
Correspondence to the Minkowski Vacuum
- Minkowski space as a causal fermion system: YouTube, website, GQE8 (introductory video)
- Introducing an ultraviolet regularization
- Correspondence of spacetime: YouTube, PDF, GQE8
- see also [cfs16, Section 1.2.3]
- For details on analytic properties of $F^\varepsilon(x)$ see [Op20].
- For the interpretation of local correlation operators and comparison to ETH approach see [FFOP20].
- For related operator algebras see [FO20].
- Correspondence of spinors and physical wave functions: YouTube, PDF, GQE8
- see also [cfs16, Section 1.2.4]
- Correspondence of the causal structure: GQE8
- see [cfs16, Section 1.2.5]
The Euler-Lagrange Equations
- Causal variational principles: YouTube, website, GQE9 (introductory video)
- see also [intro, Sections 6.1-6.3]
- Short introduction and overview: YouTube, website, GQE9 (introductory video)
- The local trace is constant: YouTube, PDF, GQE9
- From the causal action principle to causal variational principles: YouTube, PDF, GQE9
- see [intro, Section 6.5] or for example [FKO21, Section 2.3]
- For the proof that $\F^\text{reg}$ is a manifold of operators see [FKi19] or [FL21].
- For a detailed treatment of the constraints see [lagrange12].
- Derivation of the Euler-Lagrange equations: YouTube, PDF, GQE10
Surface Layer Integrals
- Short introduction: YouTube, website, GQE11 (introductory video)
- Noether-like theorems: YouTube, PDF, GQE11
- General conservation laws: YouTube, PDF, GQE11
- The conserved one-form and the commutator inner product: YouTube, PDF, GQE12
- The symplectic form and the surface layer inner product: YouTube, PDF, GQE12
- The nonlinear surface layer integral: YouTube, PDF, GQE12
- Two-dimensional surface layer integrals: YouTube, PDF, GQE12
Existence Theory for Minimizing Measures
- Overview of existence theory: YouTube, website, GQE13 (introductory video)
- Measure-theoretic tools: GQE13
- The Banach-Alaoglu theorem: see for example [intro, Section 12.1]
- The Riesz representation theorem: see [intro, Section 12.2] or for more details Section 1.8 in L.C. Evans, R.F. Gariepy, “Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions,” CRC Press, 1992
- The Radon-Nikodym theorem: see [intro, Section 12.5] or Section VII.31 in P.R. Halmos, “Measure Theory,” Springer, 1974
- Existence of minimizers for causal variational principles in the compact setting: YouTube, PDF, GQE13
- Existence of minimizers for the causal action principle in the finite-dimensional setting: YouTube, PDF, GQE14
- see [intro, Sections 12.6 and 12.7] or [continuum08, Section 2]
- Existence of minimizers for causal variational principles in the non-compact setting: YouTube, PDF, GQE14
- see [FL20, Section 4]
The Cauchy Problem for the Linearized Field Equations
The Fermionic Projector in an External Field
- General concepts: YouTube, PDF, GQE16
- The mass oscillation properties: YouTube, PDF, GQE16
- see [intro, Section 15.2]
- See [infinite13] for globally hyperbolic spacetimes.
- Construction of the fermionic signature operator: YouTube, PDF, GQE16
- see [intro, Section 15.3]
- See again [infinite13] for globally hyperbolic spacetimes.
- Proof of the strong mass oscillation property in the Minkowski vacuum: YouTube, PDF, GQE16
- see [intro, Section 16.4]
- Overview of mass oscillation properties in various spactimes: YouTube, PDF
Basics on the Continuum Limit
- Short introduction: YouTube, website, GQE17 (introductory video)
- The causal perturbation expansion: YouTube, PDF, GQE17
- The light-cone expansion: YouTube, PDF, GQE18
- The formalism of the continuum limit: YouTube, PDF, GQE18
- see [cfs16, Sections 2.3 and 2.6]
- Overview of results of the analysis of the continuum limit: YouTube, PDF, GQE18
- see [cfs16, Sections 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1]
- Derivation of the Einstein equations: YouTube, website (introductory video)
- see [cfs16, Sections 4.5 and 4.9]
Topological Spinor Bundles
- Introduction and overview: YouTube, PDF, GQE19
- Topological fermion systems and simple examples: see [topology14, Section 2]
- Connection to topological vector bundles: see [topology14, Section 3.2]
- Clifford sections and topological spinor bundles: see [topology14, Section 4]
- The tangent cone measure: see [topology14, Section 6.1]
- Tangential Clifford sections: see [topology14, Section 6.2]
Geometric Structures and Connection to Lorentzian Spin Geometry
- Short introduction: YouTube, website, GQE20 (introductory video)
- Abstract construction of the spin connection: see [lqg11, Section 3] and [intro, Section 11.2].
- Causal fermion systems in globally hyperbolic spacetimes: see [nrstg17, Section 1] and [intro, Section 11.3].
- Correspondence to Lorentzian spin geometry: see [lqg11, Section 5] and [intro, Section 11.3].

Felix Finster
Lecturer of course