The Theory of Causal Fermion Systems
Overview of Physical Aspects
The Elementary Structures
Here you can find an introduction to the elementary structures of the theory and their basic properties.
What is a Causal Fermion System?
Here you find an introduction to the basic mathematical structures that make up a Causal Fermion System.
Motivation for the Choice of $\F$
On this page we give a motivation for the choice of the particular subspace of linear operators in the definition of a CFS.
The Central Ideas of the Theory
Causal Action Principle
The Causal Action Principle lies at the heart of the CFS theory.
The Continuum Limit
The continuum limit is the workhorse behind the derivation of the well established theories.
The Logic Underlying the Derivation of the Classical Field Equations
As the derivation of physical laws in the CFS theory is different from most other theories, we dedicate this page to explain the logic at work.
Main Results and Ontology
The Standard Model and General Relativity
On this page we summarize the central physical results obtained so far in the theory of causal fermion systems.
Quantum Field Theory
In a well-defined limiting case, causal fermion systems give rise to quantum field theory. We here summarize the present status and open problems.
Why the Dirac Sea?
The original conception of the theory of causal fermion systems took the Dirac Sea as a starting point. Here we explain the motivation for this starting point.
What is Fundamental?
Here we address the question which concepts are fundamental and which are emergent phenomena.
Underlying Physical Principles
Here we discuss which physical principles are built in or respected by theory of causal fermion systems.
A Mechanism of Baryogenesis
The theory of causal fermion systems gives rise to a novel mechanism giving rise to a particle/anti-particle asymmetry and the creation of matter.
A Mechanism for Dark Matter and Dark Energy
The theory of causal fermion systems gives a possible explanation for dark matter and dark energy.
Wave Function Collapse
Causal fermion systems gives rise to an effective collapse theory.
Wishlists and Relation to Other Theories
Comments on Quantum Gravity Wishlists
On this page we present a collection of quantum gravity wishlists by various people and comment on what the CFS theory has to say about them.
Relation to Other Theories
Here we explore what sets CFS apart from other approaches to unification/quantum Gravity.