The Theory of Causal Fermion Systems
Surface Layer Integrals
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Surface Layer Integrals

In daily life we experience space and objects therein. These objects are typically described by densities, and integrating these densities over space gives particle numbers, charges, the total energy, etc. In mathematical terms, the densities are usually described as the normal components of vector fields on a Cauchy surface, and conservation laws express that the values of these integrals do not depend on the choice of the Cauchy surface, i.e.
In the setting of causal fermion systems, surface integrals are undefined. Instead, one considers so-called surface layer integrals, as we now explain. In general terms, a surface layer integral is a double integral of the form
where one variable is integrated over a subset
Then the above surface layer integral only involves pairs

For surface layer integrals to be a sensible concept, it must be possible to express the usual conservation laws for charge, energy, … in terms of surface layer integrals. The corresponding conservation laws should be a consequence of the causal action principle. The different conservation laws will be explained together with the corresponding analytic structures:

Felix Finster